
Ebola hemorrhagic fever. Risk of Exposure

In Africa, confirmed cases of Ebola hemorrhagic fever have been reported in:

  • Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
  • Gabon
  • South Sudan
  • Ivory Coast
  • Uganda
  • Republic of the Congo (ROC)
  • South Africa (imported)
  • Liberia
  • Guinea
  • Sierra Leona

The natural reservoir host of ebolaviruses, and the manner in which transmission of the virus to humans occurs, remain unknown. This makes risk assessment in endemic areas difficult. With the exception of several laboratory contamination cases (one in England and two in Russia), all cases of human illness or death have occurred in Africa; no case has been reported in the United States.


During outbreaks of Ebola hemorrhagic fever, those at highest risk include health care workers and the family and friends of an infected individual. 

Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

GeoSalud, 05 de abril del 2014

