
What is Liposuction? | Who Performs Liposuction & Where is Liposuction Performed? | How can I find the right doctor for me? | When is Liposuction not for me? | What are the Alternatives to Liposuction? | Risks | Complications | Expect Before | Expect During | Expect After | Will I look the way I want after liposuction? | Know what makes you a poor candidate for liposuction | Know all the risks and procedure limitations | Understand all the answers to your questions about liposuction | Glossary



How can I find the right doctor for me?

The FDA cannot recommend physicians to you. However, there are some things that you may consider:

  • Ask questions. If you decide to take the step to talk to a doctor about liposuction, be sure that you ask questions and understand what happens during the liposuction procedure and what you can expect. Your physician should also answer any and all questions you have about potential problems with liposuction. Remember that you are purchasing a service when you pay a physician to do a liposuction procedure and you shouldn't feel embarrassed to ask hard questions about the procedure or about the physician's experience in performing liposuction.

  • Advertising. Be wary of advertisements that say or imply that you will have a perfect appearance after liposuction. Remember that advertisements are meant to sell you a product or service, not to inform you of all the potential problems with that service.

  • Don't base your decision simply on cost and remember that you don't have to settle for the first doctor or procedure you investigate. The decision you make about liposuction surgery is an important one but not one that you must make right away.

  • Read. You should learn as much as you can about liposuction. It is important for you to read the patient information that your doctor provides.

  • Don't be pressured. Do not feel that because you speak to a physician about this procedure that you must go through with it. Take your time to decide whether liposuction is right for you and whether you are willing to take the risks of undergoing liposuction for its benefits.


What is Liposuction? | Who Performs Liposuction & Where is Liposuction Performed? | How can I find the right doctor for me? | When is Liposuction not for me? | What are the Alternatives to Liposuction? | Risks | Complications | Expect Before | Expect During | Expect After | Will I look the way I want after liposuction? | Know what makes you a poor candidate for liposuction | Know all the risks and procedure limitations | Understand all the answers to your questions about liposuction | Glossary

US Food and Drug Adminstration

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