
What is Liposuction? | Who Performs Liposuction & Where is Liposuction Performed? | How can I find the right doctor for me? | When is Liposuction not for me? | What are the Alternatives to Liposuction? | Risks | Complications | Expect Before | Expect During | Expect After | Will I look the way I want after liposuction? | Know what makes you a poor candidate for liposuction | Know all the risks and procedure limitations | Understand all the answers to your questions about liposuction | Glossary



What are the Risks or Complications Associated with Liposuction?


Most patients are pleased with the outcome of their liposuction surgery. However, like any other medical procedure, there are risks involved. That's why it is important for you to understand the limitations and possible complications of liposuction surgery. Before you have liposuction, you should be aware of these risks and should weigh the risks and benefits based on your own personal value system. Try to avoid being influenced by friends that have had the procedure or doctors encouraging you to do so. Decide for yourself whether you are willing to take the risks involved in liposuction.

Take your time deciding if you are willing to accept the risks inherent in liposuction. Because it is usually a cosmetic procedure, and not medically necessary, there is no reason to rush. Gather as much information as you can so that you make an informed decision about whether liposuction is right for you. Don't believe that complications "only happen to other people." It is important for you to understand what the risks are and decide if you are willing to accept the possibility that it might happen to you.

What is Liposuction? | Who Performs Liposuction & Where is Liposuction Performed? | How can I find the right doctor for me? | When is Liposuction not for me? | What are the Alternatives to Liposuction? | Risks | Complications | Expect Before | Expect During | Expect After | Will I look the way I want after liposuction? | Know what makes you a poor candidate for liposuction | Know all the risks and procedure limitations | Understand all the answers to your questions about liposuction | Glossary

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