
What is Liposuction? | Who Performs Liposuction & Where is Liposuction Performed? | How can I find the right doctor for me? | When is Liposuction not for me? | What are the Alternatives to Liposuction? | Risks | Complications | Expect Before | Expect During | Expect After | Will I look the way I want after liposuction? | Know what makes you a poor candidate for liposuction | Know all the risks and procedure limitations | Understand all the answers to your questions about liposuction | Glossary



What can I Expect Before, During, and After Liposuction?


On the day of the liposuction surgery, the physician will mark your body with a pen to indicate where the fat is to be removed. Then you will receive anesthesia, that is medicine that prevents you from feeling pain. Some physicians use only local anesthesia, that is, anesthesia that they inject with a syringe or pump into the area where they will do the liposuction. The anesthesia medicine is injected along with a lot of fluid, usually buffered salt water and epinephrine, a drug to reduce bleeding. Large volumes of liquid may be injected, until the skin is very firm. If your physician uses only this kind of local anesthesia, also sometimes called tumescent anesthesia, then you will be awake during the procedure. Other physicians use local anesthesia and a sedative that can be taken by mouth or injected from a syringe. Still others prefer to use general anesthesia, that is to use anesthesia that will put you to sleep during the procedure. This is usually done in a hospital.

Once the anesthesia is working, the physician will make an incision (cut) in the area where the liposuction will be performed. A canula, a hollow tube that is about the size and shape of a skinny pen, will be inserted into the incision. The physician moves this canula back and forth to suction out the fat. The fat, and liquid that has been injected, are collected in a flask. The physician will monitor the amount of fluid and fat that are removed. Because you will be losing liquid and fat from your body, it may be necessary to replace some of that fluid. This is done with an intravenous (i.v.) line for the replacement of fluid.

What is Liposuction? | Who Performs Liposuction & Where is Liposuction Performed? | How can I find the right doctor for me? | When is Liposuction not for me? | What are the Alternatives to Liposuction? | Risks | Complications | Expect Before | Expect During | Expect After | Will I look the way I want after liposuction? | Know what makes you a poor candidate for liposuction | Know all the risks and procedure limitations | Understand all the answers to your questions about liposuction | Glossary

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